The Concierge Society of Atlanta Bylaws

Whereas Atlanta is the historical heartland of hospitality, and whereas the Concierge standard embodies only the finest principles of hospitality, we of the Atlanta Concierge community, do establish this Society in keeping with the finest tradition of hospitality.


The name of this organization shall be known as: The Concierge Society of Atlanta, Inc.; hereafter referred to as The CSA.


These bylaws shall be the principle governing documents of The CSA, and any previously existing bylaws, or practices are hereby declared null and void. At least one copy of these bylaws shall be in the custody of the Parliamentarian or their representative at al’ of The CSA meetings. Each member shall be provided a copy of the bylaws annually. The fiscal year for The CSA shall run concurrent with the calendar year.


The purpose of The CSA shall be to promote, encourage and give recognition to the professional excellence within the concierge hospitality profession. These objectives include, but are not limited to, the following:
– Offer opportunities for self-improvement, personal and professional growth.
– Establish and develop mutually beneficial ties within the local business community.
– Promote the profession of concierge through increased community service and awareness.
– Cultivate a sense of responsibility, service and commitment in its members.
– Increase participation and maintain ethical standards.
– Encourage eligible concierge to seek membership in Les Clefs d’Or, USA Ltd.


Section 1: Membership Criteria:

Membership in The CSA shall be of the following types, each with separate and distinct criteria as noted: Advisory Board, Affiliate, Concierge, Corporate, Professional and Honorary. The CSA strictly prohibits discrimination based upon age, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation.

Advisory Board Members

Advisory Board Members are individuals that have made outstanding personal and professional achievements in the field of hospitality. The Advisory Board shall consist of no more than ten members at any-time, each member-being elected by a-two-thirds majority vote by al’ Advisory and -Executive Board members. Removal from the Advisory Board shall occur either by written letter of resignation or by two-thirds favorable vote of the existing Advisory and Executive Board members.

Affiliate Member

Affiliate membership is available to businesses, associations or organizations whose membership shall be of mutual benefit in service and support of the hospitality industry. Members shall not be eligible to vote or hold elected office. Affiliate Members may serve on committees; however, no more than fifty percent of said committee can be made up of nonvoting members.


Any hotel lobby/club level concierge must be actively employed as a “titled” hotel concierge within the State of Georgia. These members must be directly employed by the hotel and performs at least ninety percent of assigned duties in direct connection with services for out of town or transient guests. These members shall not be a tipped employee in the legal sense of the term. Be eligible to hold elective office and serve on committees, have voting rights without restriction once eligible and pinned, provided all membership requirements have been met. The hotel may transfer the membership of any concierge who is removed from concierge duties (i.e. promotion, transfer, resignation or termination) by written notification to The CSA provided the hotel has paid annual dues for that member.

Corporate Concierge

Corporate Concierge are employees who are directly associated with condominiums, retail spaces, residences and office buildings whose assigned duties are in support of the tenants in the building in which they are employed.

This category also includes film Industry, medical and travel industry concierge that supports the field in which they are employed. The number of Corporate Concierge shall be two per building or business and the total membership in this category is limited to twenty persons. These members shall not be a tipped employee in the legal sense of the term. Having become eligible, met all the qualifications and been pinned, may be able to vote, serve on committees and hold certain offices. The Corporate Concierge may only hold the offices of Vice President of Operations, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian or Historian.

Professional Member

Many hotel brands, businesses or employers do not offer the title of “concierge” to individuals who consistently perform duties of a concierge. This membership will include event concierge, guest experience managers, retail and residential managers, convention and visitor bureau concierge. They must have a verifiable job description equal to that of a concierge and be employed in their current position for a minimum of one year prior to the date of application. These members shall not be eligible to vote or to hold office within The CSA. Professional members may serve on committees; however, no more than fifty percent of said committee can be made of non-voting members.

Honorary Member

Honorary Members are individuals that have been considered to have made outstanding personal and professional support in the field of hospitality. Membership shall consist of no more than six members at any one time, each member being elected by two thirds majority vote of all Advisory and Executive Board Members, with a lifetime membership. Removal of an honorary member shall occur either by written letter of resignation or by two-thirds favorable vote of the Advisory and Executive Board members. These members shall not be eligible to vote or hold elected office, may serve on committees; however, no more than fifty percent of said committee will be made up of non voting members.

Tenured/Emeriti Concierge

Tenured/Emeriti Concierge will include concierge members who have retired, been furloughed or jobs have been eliminated, by no fault of their own. These individuals represent a wealth of knowledge and have contributed to the society and to the hospitality profession. These individuals are dynamic and influential professionals whose influence and networking possibilities need to be encouraged and expanded within the society. Tenured/Emeriti members will have served as a concierge in hotel, corporate and/or residential industries for a minimum of 7 consecutive years. Tenured/Emeriti members will have been active members of the Concierge Society of Atlanta for a minimum of 5 consecutive years. Tenured/Emeriti members will not have voting privileges. Such privileges would be reinstated should the member return to active concierge membership. Tenured/Emeriti members would not be permitted to serve on the Board of Directors unless either appointed by the President or as an advisory/non-voting member of the Board of Directors. These members would be permitted to attend “concierge only” events for the admission fee effective for active concierge members. Tenured/Emeriti members would pay a reduced rate annually in membership dues to the Concierge Society of Atlanta. Membership is to not exceed 5 years from the  approval by the Executive Board.

Section 2-Suspension of members

Any concierge member will automatically be suspended for a period not exceeding three months for sufficient cause. Sufficient cause includes, but not limited to, failure to attend one monthly business meeting in a three-month time period, failure to pay assessed fees or dues by the designated date of the current year or violating any of The CSA Guidelines of Professionalism. Any society member may be suspended by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Suspension will render the member ineligible to attend all social event functions until the individual complies with or becomes current in respect to the violation. Suspended members may appeal the suspension by requesting a vote of the membership.

Section 3- Expulsion of members

Expulsion includes, but is not limited to, resignation, promotion or separation from the concierge position; conduct which does not abide by The CSA Guidelines of Professionalism. Employment or involvement in any illegal conduct or practices, abuse of position or offensive social media behavior will also be grounds for expulsion. The charges and cause for expulsion will be presented to the Executive Board for consideration at the time of the offense. If the President and the Executive Board feel there is just cause to recommend expulsion, a written ballot vote will be carried out by all eligible voting members. A vote on the question of expulsion shall occur at the first business meeting following where just cause for expulsion was presented. The decision of the eligible voting membership shall be considered final.


Section 1- Business meeting:

Regularly scheduled business meetings will be held once a month on the second Wednesday of each month for a total of 11 meetings annually, unless otherwise requested by the President on a date to be determined. There will be no business meeting in December. A business meeting is open only to The CSA active memberships, speakers and invited guests at which time society business many be transacted or discussed.

Section 2- Other Programs, Functions, Educational Outings and Community Service:

These events will be routinely called by the President or by a majority vote of two thirds of the Executive Board.

Section 3- Quorum and Rules of Order:

A quorum for a business meeting shall consist of twenty-five percent of the eligible active voting members of The CSA. Voting quorums shall consist of two thirds of the eligible voting members. All actions of such quorums shall be legal and binding upon The CSA and its members. Such business meetings shall be duly called and conducted under the appropriate parliamentary procedure as stated in the Roberts Rules of Order.


Section 1 – President:

Presides at all meetings of The CSA and the Executive Board. Will appoint Committee Chairpersons, Parliamentarian, and Historian and oversees all society activities. The President schedules and coordinates all community outreach programs and educational outings. The President represents The CSA in all instances required as the Chief Officer of The CSA.

Section 2 – Vice Presidents:

• Vice President of Administration: Acts as an assistant to the President, presiding in their absence at all Board and The CSA monthly meetings. The Vice President of Administration will succeed the President upon resignation or removal from office until an election is held for that office. Collects and processes all member applications for accuracy, updates and maintains the membership database, social media and personal contact information.

• Vice President of Operations: Develops and coordinates the monthly calendar for business meetings, programs, social events and meeting spaces in accordance with guidelines received from the President and Executive Board. The Vice President of Operations will organize the RSVP lists, coordinate registration, including the collection and distribution of fees for each meeting and social function.

Section 3 – Secretary:

Is responsible for keeping an accurate and complete record of the attendance and quorum for each society meeting. The Secretary will report on the proceedings of all society meetings, within two weeks of the meetings, in the form of written society minutes. The Secretary will keep a complete file of all committee reports, published materials and ensure all documents are archived properly. The Secretary will maintain the member website; send thank you notes to invited speakers, hosts and guests within five days.

Section 4 – Treasurer:

Provides current and accurate checks and balances of all financial records for The CSA. Coordinates all CSA non-profit status paperwork, ensures all State and Federal tax forms, filings and submissions are current as required by law. The Treasurer prepares the yearly budget, verifies, and maintains expense receipts , bills and collect membership’s dues, miscellaneous collections and pays or disburses any fees , charitable donations and assessments as directed by The CSA Executive Board. The Treasurer, at each business meeting, will report to the membership the current charitable giving funds available and any other information deemed necessary.


Section 1- Parliamentarian:

Appointed by the President, ensures The CSA members are in compliance with the Guidelines of Professionalism and the bylaws whenever representing The CSA. The Parliamentarian has control of membership voting, balloting, as well as confirming quorum for all meetings and will refer to the Roberts Rules of Order for parliamentary points of reference.

Section 2- Historian:

Appointed by the President and serves as an archivist and repository for all events that constitutes the institutional memory of The CSA. Items would include anything of a historical nature which is required to tell The CSA story.


A. Voting

Section 1: Concierge Voting:

Hotel lobby/club and corporate concierge members in good standing and having been pinned will have the right to vote on any matter brought forth to The CSA. Hotel lobby/club level and corporate concierge full voting requirements include, but are not limited to the following:

Be employed as a hotel lobby/club level or corporate concierge for a minimum of six months. To have attended a minimum of-one monthly business meeting within a three-month time period.

Attended at least one educational outing offered by The CSA.

Demonstrate 4 hours of community service either through The CSA or their respective hotel.

Section 2: Written Absentee and Proxy Ballot Voting Provisions:

These provisions are for voting on issues that may be enacted by a total eligible member vote of two-thirds favorable vote, including proxy and written votes at a business meeting at which the issues are presented. Voting for the Executive Board will be by written ballot. At the discretion of the President, other CSA business may also be voted on by written ballot.

All absentee and proxy ballots received shall be opened and counted by the President and Parliamentarian along with written ballots. Absentee and proxy voting may be issued to and responded to by verifiable email mail or faxed and printed for authenticity.

Section 3: Advisory, Affiliate, Honorary and Professional members are permitted to attend monthly business meetings. They may participate in discussions, offer suggestions and serve on committees, however, are not eligible to vote on any CSA business.       

B.Nomination of Officers, Elections, Installation and Vacancies

Section I-Eligibility:

Any eligible active hotel concierge member, in good standing, shall be eligible for any office except for President. A candidate for President must have been an active CSA member for a minimum for twelve months. Each candidate will have the opportunity to speak to the members, the reasoning for their desire to be an elected officer, at one business meeting. Corporate concierge, having become eligible, met all the qualifications and been pinned may only hold the offices of Vice President of Operations, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian or Historian.

Section 2- Term, Election and nominations:

The term of office for each Executive Board position will be two years. No Executive Board member will hold the same position for more than two concurrent terms. The CSA shall designate the November Business Meeting, of the election year, for the election of The CSA Executive Board members. A candidate not elected to an office shall be eligible for nomination and voting for the remaining offices, providing they are eligible for that office. The installation of the newly elected officers shall take place at the following January Business meeting.

Section 3-FiIIing of Vacancies:

In the event a new office is created, or a vacancy occurs within an existing office, a special election shall be held. The Society shall by two-thirds majority declare any office vacant due to officer withdrawal, continued absence, or inability to administer properly the duties of their office. They will fill such vacancies by nomination, open election, and installation during the same meeting. The officer elected to fill the declared vacancies shall serve until that regular term in which they are elected is completed, providing they are eligible for that office.


Section 1- Executive Board:

Be composed of the President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Operations,

Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian and Historian. The Immediate Past President shall remain on the Executive Board for one year, in a consulting capacity, immediately following their term of office. The Executive Board shall have the responsibility for the direction and administration of the activities of The CSA which do not conflict with the provisions of these bylaws.

Any decision reached by the Executive Board shall be by two-thirds vote of its members. The Executive Board will act upon revisions of The CSA Bylaws, or regulations, the election, or expulsion of members, the nomination and election of officers.

The President has the presiding veto power. At the discretion of the President and at the invitation of the Executive Board, active members may attend any of its meetings at the, may participate in discussions, however; shall have no voting powers.

Section 2- Committee Chairpersons and Members:

The President shall have the power to appoint the Chairperson of each Standing Committee. The President may remove such chairpersons upon approval of the Executive Board by a majority of two thirds vote.

Other than the Executive Board, chairpersons and committee members may consist of active members in any category of membership within the CSA. The President serves as ex-officio member of all committees and will report to the Executive Board the progress of the committee work.

Section 3- Committees:

A. Audit Committee

Is hosted by the Treasurer and will review the yearly budget, all expenditures, tax forms, and verify all financial records pertaining to The CSA is clear and transparent.

B. Bylaw Committee:

The Parliamentarian presides over each bylaw committee and at each business meeting. Periodically reviews The CSA bylaws for relevance and propose amendments or revision as necessary to keep current.

C. Communication Committee:

Is hosted by The Vice President of Operations and will gather information and suggestions for social and educational activities and will share those ideas with the Executive Board. D. Media Committee :

The Secretary will ensure that The CSA activities are publicized and promoted within the media via The CSA website, print, and social media outlets, while ensuring The CSA maintains a professional presence within the community. E. Membership Committee:

The Vice President of Administration will encourage and recruit new members from within the hospitality community. Process all new membership applications for Executive Board’s approval, publish and distribute membership lists to all current members. F. Dottie Fierst Friendship Foundation Committee:

The President will appoint five persons within the membership consisting of one affiliate, one advisory, two concierges and one executive board member. This committee will verify, review, consider and make recommendations for all applications received.


Section 1- Membership Dues:

All CSA members shall pay annual membership dues that are set by the Executive Board. Dues must be received by January 31st of each year, are not pro-rated and no refund will be given for any reason. The CSA membership can only be transferred by the hotel, business or corporation itself. Increases in dues, as necessitated by the expenditures of The CSA shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 2- Advisory Board and Honorary Members:

For their commitment and continued support, all Advisory Board and Honorary Member’s yearly

membership dues and the monthly business meeting fees are waived. All social and educational fees and gratuities apply.

Section 3- Charitable Donations:

The CSA Charitable Donation Fund is defined as a gift to a non-profit organization or charity. These monetary donations may not exceed more than twenty five percent of all membership dues collected from the previous year. Speaker fees and other charitable funds collected will be deposited into The CSA charitable giving fund. Before making monetary charitable donations or spending over five hundred dollars ($500.00), The CSA members must first approve these expenditures by a majority vote of twenty five percent of eligible voting members. The CSA may also from time to time make donations in the form of other assets or services. Any member may submit a request for a charity donation in writing and all requests will be reviewed and considered by the Executive Board.

Section 4- Use of funds:

No officer or member of The CSA shall contract any personal or professional debts or use any of The CSA funds except as directed by the Executive Board. Any expenditures over $1,000.00 from the operating fund must first be approved by a majority vote of twenty five percent of eligible voting members.

Section 5- Dottie Fierst Friendship Foundation:

The DFF Foundation is an assistance program designed to provide direct assistance to the members of The CSA and the community. Any CSA member may apply for assistance based upon illness, injury or family hardship. The DFF Foundation committee will consider applications made by non-members on a case by case basis. Applicants are required to submit a written request and provide supporting material by the applicant and/or their immediate family or domestic partners. Each application will be verified and considered by the DFF Foundation Committee. The DFF Foundation Committee will determine the cash award amount on a case by case basis. If the application is accepted, the member may receive a single award up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The DFF Foundation combined total awards will not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) in any calendar year.


Members of The Concierge Society of Atlanta are constantly in the public eye. It is our duty to serve our guests and to represent our businesses, colleagues, and city with the utmost grace and professionalism.

  1. The CSA strictly prohibits discrimination based upon age, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
  2. All members will not condone, engage in or defend illegal conduct or practices.
  3. All members will take care to present a neat, clean appearance including proper personal and oral hygiene and will abide by the appropriate dress code at all events.
  4. Transactions by members requiring payment should be handled accurately and promptly service charges for predetermined fees for a service rendered should be agreed upon with the guest prior to the transaction.
  1. All members shall conduct business in a professional, helpful, courteous and timely manner. This includes correspondence, emails and phone calls to guests and colleagues.
  2. Commitments to colleagues and others shall be honored. Promptly notify the proper party when circumstances prevent honoring an affirmative RSVP or commitment.
  3. Personal problems will not interfere with the professional performance of a member. The member will refrain from undertaking any personal activity that is likely to lead to inadequate performance.
  4. All members shall exercise objective, independent judgment in the evaluation and recommendation of goods and services. A member shall not misuse their position of authority by demanding goods, money or services for personal gain.
  5. Members often act as a confidant for guests and colleagues. It is of the utmost importance to be discreet, trustworthy and refrain from gossip and rumors concerning guests and colleagues.
  6. Guests will often offer gratuities for services rendered and should be graciously accepted.
  7. Overindulgence, including food and beverage, is highly frowned upon by all members.
  8. Communication, cooperation, mutual respect and openness among members should be fostered and encouraged.


Section 1: Changes:

The CSA bylaws may be altered or amended at any scheduled or special meeting of the Executive Board, provided notice of the propose changes or amendments are included. A two thirds vote of the Executive Board shall be necessary to adopt any alteration or amendment.

Section 2: Membership Acceptance of Changes and Amendments:

Notification of such amendments and changes will be published at least seven days prior to a scheduled meeting for membership review and discussion. Voting for changes and amendments must be submitted to the full eligible voting members for approval and adoption by two thirds vote. Once accepted, these bylaws will be effective immediately.

Certification: These current bylaws adopted by The CSA voting members on October 11, 2017.